Round Tables

The Knights of the Round Table of the Credit Industry is proud to present this event
Round Table deliberation about the Credit Industry
Don’t miss this rare opportunity to join the discussions and deliberations. Make your voice heard and contribute to the future of Credit management.
This event is NOT open to the public and is strictly by invitation only

09:30 to 13:00

13 October 2022

“How can we better serve the Credit Community”

The Knights of the Credit Industry will select 4 topics of crucial importance to the Credit Industry and deliberate on them.


Presentation by each of the participants what is working in their area three areas that should be addressed

Coffee Break

Demographics – A presentation by Nick Kell

Small Table deliberations

Feedback from the Small Tables

Quo Vadis and Action Plan


Knights of the Various Credit
and Related Industries

Ayşe Burcu Arslan Demirtas
Bill Dunlop
Charl Fouche
Claire Taylor
Declan Flood
Emma Caister
Eugene Joubert
Jon Swan
Josef Busuttil
Laurie Beagle
Luis Eduardo Perez Mata
Marina Short
Nick Kell
Paul Whittaker
Ralph Montforts
Richard Tallboys
Sarah Ing
Sean Mac Mahon
Sean McNamara
Simon Marshall
Tim Paulsen